Aftercare - Lips
Swelling is to be expected during and post procedure. Typically you may swell more in the upper lip than the lower lip. Fortunately, it does not last very long. Applying ice following your procedure also helps to prevent bruising from occurring. A bag of frozen peas works nicely to keep the area cool. Make sure there is a cloth barrier between the lips and the ice.
No Exercise for 24 to 48 Hours. Exercise is great for your health and well-being but is not advised in the day or two following your cosmetic treatment. Physical activity increases your heart rate, blood pressure and blood flow. Minimal blood flow allows damaged capillaries to repair faster. Sweat can also interfere with the healing process. Try to avoid exercise for 5-7 days post treatment if possible.
Prop With a Pillow. When going to bed the evening of your treatment, use an extra pillow to keep your head elevated. This will help to reduce swelling.
The Healing Process
The Lip Tattoo healing process is relatively short. Days 3 - 5 post procedure, the clients will experience dry flakey lips. It feels as though they have been layering matte lipstick on. Once the pigment flakes off it will appear as though NO PIGMENT has been retained. Over the next 6 - 8 weeks the colour will gradually 'bloom' to a lovely soft shade.
It's important not to judge your lips for a full 6-8 weeks from the day of the procedure.
After Care
Day 1 (Day of the Procedure)
It is very important to remove the lymph fluid from the surface of the skin in order to avoid heavy scabbing. Before bed, if the lips still have some dry lymph, rinse with lukewarm water, gently removing the dry lymph, pat dry and apply Aquaphor Healing Ointment. Sometimes the lips can bruise even after the procedure. Bruising will subside within 24 hours post procedure.
Day 2 - 7
The lips may be swollen the second day as well. Please do not ice the lips. Keep the skin moist at all times, do not let the lips dry out. Continue to apply ointment every 30 minutes throughout the day. Again, do NOT let the lips dry out.
During Day 1 to Day 7 (or until the scabs are gone)
Please Avoid:
Water (on the PMU area) aside from cleaning them
Excessive sweating
Spicy food
As we discussed earlier, lip blush is meant to be extremely subtle and soft, not to replace lipstick.
DO NOT pick the dry lips.
Do not apply anything besides Aquaphor ointment (no Vaseline, antibiotic creams, Polysporin etc). Following the procedure, do not use creams that contain acids or ingredients that will lighten or exfoliate the skin. Touchups (if needed) can be done no sooner than 8 weeks after the original appointment.
Will I need a retouch?
If you wish the colour was a little more intense, a retouch appointment would be perfect to intensify the overall saturation of the lip.
- Often the lip lines will need a little more definition at touchup. You should not need to outline the lips again with pencil. A clear outline should remain for you to follow at touch up time. If the border of the lip has not remained crisp, redraw your lip line with pencil or pigment and refresh the tattoo fully.
- Remember to wait a full 8 weeks in between appointments to allow adequate time for the colour to bloom to its full potential before prematurely touching up.